Our Services

Transfer Your Prescription To Care Gateway Pharmacy Today

 Influenza Vaccination

Several different brands of standard-dose flu shots are available in Alberta, including Afluria Quadrivalent, Fluarix Quadrivalent, FluLaval Quadrivalent, and Fluzone Quadrivalent. At Care Gateway, we offer Fluzone Quadrivalent and Fluzone Quadrivalent High Dose (while supplies last). Pharmacists are able to vaccinate children 5 years of age and older.

 Covid-19 Vaccination

On March 11, 2020, the World Health Organization (WHO) announced the Covid-19 outbreak. To protect yourselves and your family, get vaccinated today. Call ahead to ask about supply and appointment availability. **Please note, you can get your Influenza and Covid vaccines on the same day.

 Hepatitis C Testing and Treatment

- Previously , residents of Alberta would need to book appointments with a specialist, often outside of their community, for assessment, testing, and treatment. This barrier prevented many people at high risk, or people actively living with the disease, from seeking care. Now, at Care Gateway, we provide on-site screening and a treatment path for Hepatitis C.

 Smoking Cessation Counselling

At Care Gateway, we have pharmacists with “Additional Prescribing Authority” who can prescribe a variety of medications to help kick-start your journey. These include patches, gums, lozenges, inhalers, and prescription pills. We provide counseling, medication management, and follow-ups to ensure you are best equipped for success.

 Compression Stocking Fitting

Compression Stockings can be used for fatigued legs, varicose veins, and general circulation issues. Most stockings go to just below the knee, but you can also get thigh-highs and tights, too. Stockings should feel snug, but not painfully tight. Our physicians can assess and prescribe the appropriate ones for you, and then we have a technician on site who can do the fittings and show you the many different options for colour and design.

Blister Packaging

We offer free Compliance Packaging (Blister Packs) for your medications. If you have trouble remembering when to take your medications each day, this is a great option for you. We offer weekly, bi-weekly, or monthly blister packs that can be made in advance before your pick-up date.

Mental Health and Addiction

People with mental illnesses like depression, anxiety, or Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) may start using drugs or alcohol to "self-medicate". This may provide temporary relief from symptoms, but here at Care Gateway, we have Mental Health / Addiction doctors available to assist you or your loved one. Please reach out if you are needing support.

 Covid-19 Testing

for Travel

In Care Gateway Pharmacy, we are offering quick and safe Covid-19  testing and vaccination for the purpose of travel, book your appointment by phone or email and we'll book you a spot.

 Covid-19 Take-Home Test Kits

Self-tests for COVID-19 give rapid results and can be taken anywhere, regardless of your vaccination status or whether or not you have symptoms.

Order your Take-Home test from Care Gateway Pharmacy

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